Serving Southern California Since 1982

157 Gentry St. Pomona, CA 91767
PH (909) 596-6856
FX (909) 596-3255

California State License #418759




Building Performance Commissioning & Retro-Commissioning
Building Performance

Golfers religiously measure and monitor their score. They are continually trying to improve their game performance. Leaders in the Green Building industry also recognize that buildings performance can degrade over time.  LEED has established requirements to perform Retro-Commissioning to maintain the buildings efficiency.  Air-Ex’s staff of experts offers Retro Commissioning and repair services to get your buildings performance back on track.

Energy Tracking & Assessment
Building Performance

Managers looking to lower operating costs and contribute to the financial health of an organization look to cutting energy usage.  Efficient management of energy requires effective metering,  trendings, weather normalizations, data reports and proactive management.  Top tier building operators use this performance data to identify problems and opportunities for improvements. 
Air-Ex can install the appropriate metering, algorithms and training to implement your energy plan.  We also offer ongoing energy assessment services.
Sample Performance tracking plan:

  • Install metering, weather normalization algorithms and trending to benchmark your facilities building performance.
  • At predetermined intervals automatically generate reports comparing the current building performance with the benchmark data.
  •  Tracking equipment trends

Building Performance

In between periodic Retro-Commissioning and Energy Tracking Assessments there is the maintenance work that is needed at the right time to keep everything in “like new” condition.  Successful building managers have automated Maintenance Manager Systems in place that support daily activities of their staff, and provide measurement of internal time and supplies as well as contracted activity. Maintenance manager systems also are a great tool for developing budgets, staffing requirements, repair or replacement decisions, evaluating levels of compliance and ultimately, sustainability.

Air-Ex’s professionals can help you keep your building performing for you, contact us today.


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Copyright Air-Ex 2008


Score Improvement
Retro-Commissioning Improves Your Game
