Importance of Building Automation:
Did you know?
That USGB studies show individual office temperature control in buildings can enhance employee productivity by 3.6%, reduce absenteeism & improve employee morale. How many dollars would that translate to in your business?
Buildings HVAC systems consume 60-80% of the electricity bill.
40% of energy used in the United States for buildings.
Green, LEED and Sustainable Buildings rely heavily on building automation to achieve energy use targets.
Building Automation systems reduce maintenance costs for air conditioning systems.
Using a building automation, commonly called Direct Digital Control (DDC) provides many benefits for owners, operators and managers, and has become the predominant system specified for new buildings and retrofits.
The benefits include:
- DDC systems reduce energy costs by enabling mechanical systems to operate at peak efficiency.
- DDC systems permit technology to be used in diverse applications, such as commercial HVAC, surgical units and laboratory clean rooms.
- A DDC system that controls HVAC systems in commercial and institutional will provide tighter control over pneumatic or electric building control systems.
- DDC allows the user to perform complex scheduling, alarm collection and trending data for troubleshooting problems.
- DDC systems reduce labor costs through remote monitoring, intellegent dispatching and troubleshooting.
