Serving Southern California Since 1982

157 Gentry St. Pomona, CA 91767
PH (909) 596-6856
FX (909) 596-3255

California State License #418759




Why do Maintenance?

Building Air Conditioning systems are tucked away out of sight so it is easy to overlook the fact that the air conditioning systems have many moving parts that need regular maintenance to keep them performing properly. The “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it’ approach to HVAC systems maintenance on average can cost you between 12-18% more than having an established preventative maintenance program. The benefits of maintenace are reduced absenteeism, improved employee morale & productivity plus enhanced energy efficency and maintaining property value.


On average, employees are 78% of the business costs. Progressive property managers understand that maintenance is a positive activity that contributes to the financial health of an organization. The name of the game is cutting energy use while maintaining a comfortable work environment, a strategy that also can lead to lower operating costs. Air-Ex has the expertise to help you with these strategies, tactics and decisions affecting the maintenance of HVAC systems that can reveal numerous opportunities for managers to deliver benefits to their organizations.


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